Sunday, 31 December 2006

a love to last forever

Well I suppose I’ve mentioned it many times already, that 2006 has truly the best year of my life. And perhaps today is the best day to reminisce about the year gone by. It’s really flown by but I’ve no regrets.

Today is our Watchnight service and my favourite part of it is covenant renewal where we remember the covenant we made with God.

O Mighty God, the Lord Omnipotent, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You have now become my Covenant Friend. And I, through Your infinite grace, have become your covenant servant.
So be it. And let the covenant I have made on earth be ratified in heaven. Amen.

I’m excited for the new year. Here are some of my Scriptures for 2007 –

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst.” 1 Timothy 1:15

"... I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” Ephesians 4:1

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Phil 4:12,13

"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Hebrews 13:3

Lastly, to conclude my last entry for the year, to everyone – thanks for being a part of my life.

I can see the fingerprints of God when I look at you –

My family: daddy mummy jo mingche poppy eeee1&2 kongkong kaofu eepor mama remy

My second family: auntieconnie uncleshihming auntiesohwai simone samantha auntiedaisy auntiehannah zelda maxine khai lunpi sumnu khup ginboy mung gochin karman katie naemi vanessa leilei ciim thuzar kkhaing

My Eden: amaraa ganaa uyanga badnaa bayaraa

My friends: philip feli jac tara jan charl sadia katherine maggie sarah rach nessie wendy rosie lauren eleri xiubs marilyn chels belinda siewchoe terence ben jon tanu kris tsin na

My song: nat manyun zhaoxin eric joyce chingling york debbie cynthia khingaun

My medicine: josephine wanling trisse boonling dorcas theresa sarinah mel sumathi laikiow

I guess I’ve forgotten quite a few names, but to one and all, YOU ARE LOVED.

Monday, 25 December 2006

and the gift goes on...

And now I realise that our dreams are poor reflections of the great things God has in store for us.

I’ve been given the greatest gift of all and experienced the greatest love story of all time – the love of God given to me in a baby born under the brightest star.

Every year has been a gift from God to me but this year has been more for than I could ever ask for. Thoughts have been battling in my head the past 4 months, wondering what to do and where to go next summer. But as I continued to pray, I found that my path became clearer. I’ve gotten many Christmas presents, but of course none can top the Christmas present that God has given me this year… :)

I received another wonderful Christmas present – with my friends from Myanmar, Mung and Khup, coming to Singapore for a visit. I’ve always been waiting for my friends to visit me, so it was so great to be able to show them parts of Singapore. I bumped into them again the next day at the church’s Christmas carnival and had lots of fun as well.

This Christmas truly has been the best ever! For I have also been given the gift of giving, and this is my prayer: that I might be able to give my all for him.

And the gift goes on,
The Father gave the Son,
And the gift goes on,
The Son gave the Spirit,
And the gift goes on,
The Spirit gives us life,
So we can give,
The gift goes on…

Sunday, 17 December 2006

close by me forever, and love me i pray

Munich's Christmas market
I'm finally back home in Singapore, but before that, Jo and I tried to take in a bit more of the world

I had an amazing time in Munich and Nuremberg and spent a day with Naemi and Vanessa. It was so great to see them again after so long and we went all around Nuremberg, and of course, the Christmas markets! The next morning, we went to Naemi's church and had a lovely lunch... :) Obviously I didn't quite understand the service (although thankfully for Vanessa's translation), I really loved the songs and meeting people :)

I really loved being in Germany and the warm Christmassy atmosphere, but most of all, seeing Naemi and Vanessa again brought back so many fond memories of my time in Myanmar... :)

So I'm finally back home in Singapore. I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends and family again... :) Perhaps singing Christmas carols and eating turkey and stuffing too, but most importantly, to remember that Christmas isn't just about songs and birds... :) It's about presents! To remember the greatest gift of all.. Jesus.

Be near me Lord Jesus,
I ask thee to stay.
Close by me forever,
And love me I pray.
Bless all the dear children
In thy tender care
And fit us for Heaven
To live with thee there.

- Away in a Manger