Tuesday, 7 August 2007

three in one

For the past 3 years, I’ve been living a ‘double life’, going back and forth through Singapore and Dundee hasn’t always been the easiest, having to pick up pieces of my life here and there. But within a week or so, I’ve usually settled back into the scheme of things. But things have just become more complicated. Having lived in the Philippines for 7 weeks, I’ve created a life that I became very reluctant to leave. I wondered how difficult it would be now to combine these three separate lives into one. My thoughts float back to the Philippines every five minutes, but the precious memories I carry and the new things I have learnt have helped me to integrate these lives into one. I’m finally learning how to live every part of my life for God. I see things in a different perspective now and to be honest, it’s just great.

One common thread that runs through all three is my status of a ‘grandmother’. This is what my friends seem to have recognised, and perhaps why I am so drawn to geriatrics. Everyone tells me that I seem to think like one. What it actually means I really don’t know but then I’ve come to agree with that. I feel that my life has been so abundant that I’ve lived 80 years in these 21 years. I’ve been so blessed that even if there were no tomorrow, it wouldn’t matter. I could not ask for more than I already have. One thing I’ve always kept in my mind is that tomorrow will be better than next and the next year would always be better than the previous. But having looked at 2007, it’s already been so wonderful. I don’t know how my next 5 years could be much better, much less 20 or even 40 years. Sometimes I get scared at the wonderful plans God has for my life. I know they will be big and right now it seems just too big for my little mind to conceive. Indeed, God is good.