It’s been nearly a year since I first gazed upon the beauty of the Scottish highlands… standing there among the rising cliffs brought my thoughts back to when I first stood there. I look around me and I think of some of my favourite artists – Da Vinci, Van Gogh, but none of them could paint a picture such as this. No one has an imagination like God, and no one could ever put so much effort into perfecting every little detail. A song plays through my mind again and again – it’s called The Love of God by Sandi Patti, and it starts “What made God take so much care to make creation glow? He could have made it black and white, and we’d have never known.” Yes, I do wonder, what would the world seem like in black and white.
The summer is nearly over, but the flowers are still in perfect bloom. Man may be able to clone sheep, and even themselves one day… But I doubt that man will ever be able to create a flower as God has. I saw all the splendour of this world contained in a single white rose. Could man ever do that? Perhaps this is a good reminder of not only the perfection of our Father, but all the imperfections of ourselves.
Going back to the Scottish highlands tempted me into going through all my blog entries again, for it was much about the time when I had opened up to share with others all that was in my heart. There always seems a danger in being too transparent, a fear that I had always harboured within me. Nonetheless, God finally showed me that I was selfish to keep all his blessings to myself and so my blog was born. And as I read through them again, it seemed that I had forgotten some of the things I had written, so small but yet so significant in molding me. And it tells me that I am on my way towards becoming the person God wants me to be, even if just an inch at a time. But what is contained in my blog – nothing but grace upon grace. I have known the full measure of grace that my heart can contain, so overwhelming it could break your heart. Yet I know somehow that the grace God has to give far exceeds that. I find that through the years, I have so little trials to speak of, I don’t know why. Maybe God has not tested as I deserve, but then the grace he gives always surpasses any heartbreak I have ever been through. Yesterday in Edinburgh, the song of the bagpipes playing Amazing Grace filled the air and oh what a beautiful song it is indeed. I think I should never tire of hearing its message. One other thing I realise, despite all the colourful words contained in the English language, I always seem to run out of vocabulary so quickly when it comes to describing the glories of our Father and Creator. Indeed, he is beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words.
Going back to the Scottish highlands tempted me into going through all my blog entries again, for it was much about the time when I had opened up to share with others all that was in my heart. There always seems a danger in being too transparent, a fear that I had always harboured within me. Nonetheless, God finally showed me that I was selfish to keep all his blessings to myself and so my blog was born. And as I read through them again, it seemed that I had forgotten some of the things I had written, so small but yet so significant in molding me. And it tells me that I am on my way towards becoming the person God wants me to be, even if just an inch at a time. But what is contained in my blog – nothing but grace upon grace. I have known the full measure of grace that my heart can contain, so overwhelming it could break your heart. Yet I know somehow that the grace God has to give far exceeds that. I find that through the years, I have so little trials to speak of, I don’t know why. Maybe God has not tested as I deserve, but then the grace he gives always surpasses any heartbreak I have ever been through. Yesterday in Edinburgh, the song of the bagpipes playing Amazing Grace filled the air and oh what a beautiful song it is indeed. I think I should never tire of hearing its message. One other thing I realise, despite all the colourful words contained in the English language, I always seem to run out of vocabulary so quickly when it comes to describing the glories of our Father and Creator. Indeed, he is beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words.