My friends and family have always known to be stubborn and fiercely independent and I had every intention of managing on my own after the operation. I was told that it would probably take about 10 days before I could walk but I was confident that with a little of faith, I could manage on my own. But of course, my parents weren't having any of that, especially my mother.
Every one has heard of the 7 wonders of the world. The title 'Wonder of the World' has become so prestigious that every country wants to have a 'man-made' or 'natural' wonder of the world in their country. But to me, the greatest wonder in the world is the love of God. A love that's so totally unselfish and amazing. His love keeps me spellbound and his gifts are so generous. But there is a second wonder of the world - mothers. Mothers are peculiar things. They do things that people wouldn't ordinarily do for another person or even another relative. My mum insisted coming up to look after me after my surgery and has been cooking and cleaning for me the last 2 weeks. I suppose no man is an island after all and I'm not sure how I would have survived without her.
All in all, I'm grateful for everything God has given me, especially my mummy.