Saturday, 7 April 2012

to where you are

Ever since I moved back to Singapore, my blog writing has fallen by the wayside. And seeing as how this blog is a time for me to reflect on my walk with God and the things he has done for me, I know within myself that I just haven't taken much time to reflect this year. In just 4 days, it will be my 1st year anniversary of my great migration... what better time to look back on the months past?

The most recent event was completing my postgraduate exams in February. I don't know if I deserved to pass to be honest, but I definitely prayed for it and I thank God for hearing my prayers. Now, my world has suddenly opened up again to all the things I wanted to do, especially going on mission trips again.

In less than a month, I will be leaving my current department doing infectious diseases and it really saddens me. All just because I've had a chance to really exercise the humane side of me, working with those who have been stigmatised and ostracised by society. It has been a painful journey for me even, but also there have been such heartwarming experiences during this time.

But being here in this department, being able to practice tropical medicine, work with those who are really in need and having jumped the hurdle of exams, my life has taken a totally different perspective. I am finally starting to concentrate again on taking a year out to do relief work. I have encountered so much resistance from my friends and family about going to the Congo and to be honest, it is a scary thought. But God reminds me that he wants to take me from where I am to where he wants me to be and wherever that me, Singapore or the Congo, it will be equally scary but I just have to go where he leads.

I have just started reading Nouwen's book on Spiritual Direction and these words spoke to me so beautifully, 'In spiritual listening, we encounter a God who cannot be fully understood, we discover realities that can not be controlled, and we realise that our hope is hidden not in the possession of power but in the confession of weakness.'

Amen to that. Lord, take me to where you are.