Friday, 3 July 2009

the basin and the towel

It feels like ages since I last posted a blog entry but time has not been my own and life has been a little more crazy than usual. Graduation is finally over and it's nice to finally chat about things past medical school. It's odd sometimes explaining why I'm not going back to Singapore but I know that in my heart it's not time yet.

But for now, I need to find the silence in my heart and just enjoy that, before the days of working nights and carrying the arrest bleep run me down. I've had good mentors through the years. Mentors who remind me that sometimes all you need is to be true to yourself and to what you believe in. A couple of weeks ago I bought a Michael Card CD and heard this amazing song which I knew I would be singing each day for the rest of my life as a doctor..

"And the call is to community,
The impoverished power that sets the soul free.
In humility, to take the vow,
That day after day we must take up the basin and the towel.

In any ordinary place,on any ordinary day,
The parable can live again
When one will kneel and one will yield.
Our Saviour Servant must show us how
Through the will of the water and the tenderness of the towel."

-The Basin and the Towel, Michael Card

May God grant me the humility to take up the basin and towel every day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can you please contact me?
I messaged and emailed you but no reply!!
