Tuesday, 15 November 2011

more to this life

I've usually been quite faithful in writing my blog posts but ever since I arrived in Singapore, I've just been so overwhelmed with all that is going on. People in Singapore think it's naturally the workload that gets to you, but it's not at all. Work here is a complete breeze and it's funny that even other people I've met coming from the UK have said the same thing. But people here are generally more uptight and it's driven by the lack of humanity in this society.

Each day was a constant struggle against the system. Now that I am gone, I am even more grateful for the NHS and how despite its difficulties, it is a system that cares. I am appalled by the system here and like how I am so often told by my patients - you can die but you can't get sick. What a sad truth, but truth indeed. After the first three months, I feel myself so ravaged by the coldness and callousness of the system and I am losing this battle to hold onto the true me..

But I thank God for holding on to me and bringing me to this new hospital. A place where things just seem like a different world. Many people shun this place just because of the stigma to it but each day I am pleasantly surprised and comforted by the selflessness of these physicians. How they stay true to the ethos of what being a doctor really means. To care for those who are sick, poor, isolated and even shunned by society. To fight for a better life for those they look after.

Well, what about the system? All I can say is, go fight city hall. We just have to make do and accept it. Maybe so, but being here, I realise that there is so much we have to offer as individuals. I always thought that a part of me would give up doing ophthalmology, in exchange for doing infectious diseases, which I may not enjoy as much. But I was wrong, God never takes away something without giving more in return.

After being in Singapore for 6 months, I have found that there is more to this life here after all.

"I sit and watch in silence
As people pass me by
And I strained to see if there was something
Hidden in their eyes
But they all looked back at me
As if to say
Life just goes on

The old familiar story told in different ways
Make the most of your own journey
From the cradle to the grave
Dream your dreams tomorrow because today
Life must go on

But there's more to this life living than dying
More than just trying to make it through the day
More to this life, more than these eyes alone can see
And there's more that this life alone can be...

So where do we start to find every part
Of what makes this life complete
If we turn our eyes to Jesus we'll find
Life's true beginning is back at the cross where he died

Where he died, to bring us more
To this life living than dying
More than just trying to make it through the day
More to this life, more than these eyes alone can see
And there's more than this life alone can be.

More to this life, Steven Curtis Chapman

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